Here are the entries and winners from the 2rd Annual contest! This was a great year for some really unique entries.
Category: Best Figure at Show |
 First Place

A fantastic figure by a great customizer. Dave really nailed this one! Using a Sir Brandon body and a CXR Zeb Head, Dave was able to quickly capture that iconic 'good guy' look of our favorite Kryptonian! A 'movie still' background really set the stage for Clark.
By Dave and Donna Roth |
 Second Place

"Mexican Bandito"
A Mexican Bandito in classic Marx style. This figure uses a CXR body that has been modified / resculpted using Apoxy sculpt and painted. A custom head and a blend of vintage, reissue and custom accessories complete the look. A custom box drawn by the artist, really completes the image of a first issue figure!
By Aaron Bias |
 Third Place

"Sir Stewart of Edinburgh"
"Sir Stewart has traveled far to compete in the King's Jousting Tourney. He is wearing vintage silver armor that has been modified with real leather and brass buckle straps. His Jousting Helm is a custom made piece as is his jousting lance. The lance, helm and armor have all been finely detailed in acryllic paint."
By Scott Stewart |

"Fidel Castro"
"A while back Steve Corn at Stevos toys listed some pics of his collection at the Ranch. In one shot there was a G.I.Joe in the background. I asked him if the bearded guy was a custom Castro with the green military outfit. He chuckled and said no its just a G.I. Joe. So one day I was looking over the CXR site and I noticed a figure with a resemblance to Fidel so I purchased the figure, added a Commando body and green military cloth clothing and accessories from other collectible stores. Head-CXR William Quinn. repainted in gray. Body Marx black Commando. Rifle Russian AK-47, Pistol 45 caliber/custom holster made from a CXR Cavalry rig. Green fatigues G.I.Joe or Dragon"
By Alex Manchua |

"Jesus Christ"
"Louis Marx Co., produced several scales of Military and Western figures as we know. Marx also produced a 54 mm Religious Statuettes series which included figures of Jesus and the Apostles, the Nativity Set and even a miniature Noah's Ark playset. This is a 1/6 scale 'up sized' 54 mm depiction of "Christ the King". This could correltate to the 54mm General Eisenhower figure which, of course, was also made in a 1:6 scale figure." By Tom Heaton |
Category: Best Figure Set at Show |
 First Place

"Outlaw Chuckwagon"
"The Outlaw Deputy and friends at the chuckwagon. Wagon by Dave Johnson. Deputy head by Tommy Alligood. Additional custom heads from Marxman Bros. Instruments from Firebird and other props from various sources"
By Roy (Buddy) Allen |
 Second Place

"The Death of Dandy Carson"
"Dandy Carson was an infamous scoundrel and card shark! In the town of Fort Apache, Sheriff Duke interrupts Dandy talking to the local jail resident. Dandy goes for his six-shooter but Duke is just a shade faster... Dandy is hit dead center and howls in pain as he falls back to lie in the dusty street. Figures are made from broken vintage Marx figures and painted in period colors. The Duke sheriff head is from a head I got off ebay that I recast with a Marx like neck post. It is very similar to the MarxMan Bros Nathan Brittles head (just without moustache). The Dandy Carson head is a modified custer head where I closed and squinted the right eye, opened his mouth and shortened his hair. The Sheriff's Office / Jail is custom made with wood, miniture brick and styro-foam."
By Scott Stewart |
 Third Place

"Hidalgo ridden by Frank Hopkins"
Description coming soon
By Dave and Donna Roth |

"Dirty Harry and the Punk"
Description coming soon. By Tom Heaton |

"Jeremiah Johnson"
"Custom one-off Jeremiah Johnson head created by the artist. It resembles Robert Redford as Jeremiah. Custom accessories: Stewart's Attic Slouch Hat, CXR Mtn Man set (Rifle, powder horn, pistol), Stevo Toys Native sidekick rig w/ Bowie knife. Custom saddle bag pouch w/ leather cord. Vintage Geronimo body with reissue Viking bearskin vest." By Alex Manchua |

"The Dark Tower Ka Tet"
Description coming soon By Terri Coop |
Category: Best Virtual Figure |
 First Place

"Ghost Dog, Shaman of the Dakota"
This was a Fighting Eagle head covered in black magic marker marks and I tried everything to remove the marks, faded it some, but wouldn't remove completely. So instead of tossing I came up with this skull like paint theme and saw someone on ebay selling the Ignite bear and wolf cowls so I purchased them and came up with... Ghost Dog.
By Mark Keach |
 Second Place

This is Jesse. She is Janes cousin and my very first custom ever. She has hair extensions and a new paint job. I tried not to gussy her up too much, since she is a fun loving country girl. I had an awesome time with her.
By W.M. |
 Third Place Tie

"Janette West"
Janette is Jane's baby sister. She is built on a salmon Jane. I removed her plasic hair, resclupted new ears, repainted her face, and gave her a wig! I made her dress based on a 1880's Visiting Dress. I wanted a more girlie girl for my Johnny collection!
By Amy Jones |
 Third Place Tie

"Terror of the West"
Look out Johnny, there's a new fellow about town with long sharp teeth who can suck the life out of you. Oh that's just Spike! a vampire with a thirst that could suck dry an entire settlement in one night. Taken from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (sideshow figure head converted to fit Johnny West figure), Spike is one of the meanest vampires you will ever cross and not live to tell the tale. Had great fun creating this and other figures from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, it usually takes me about 2 weeks to complete the figures once I am able to get ahold of the heads (I work slow).
By Eddie Fontenot |

"Sheriff Presley"
Watch out outlaws There's a new Sheriff in these parts,His Name is Sheriff Presley, Thank you ,thank you very much !!! I re-custom painted an Elvis Presley head, I think it was produced by Hasbro? I put the head on a Sam Cobra Body, and painted the vest/shirt/tie with acrylic paint. The duster is by Jimmy Meservey, Guns + rig and badge by, the hat is a Johnny West hat custom painted by Kirby Jonas. The Elvis head i got in a trade with Tommy Alligood. Took me 3 days to put the figure together. By G. B. |
Category: Best Virtual Set |
 First Place

"Law and Order restored at the Crazy Woman Saloon"
Jorge "El Scorpion" Hernandez has resisted arrest and drew down on Sheriff Garrett. His mistake and that of his gang. Initially, I just wanted a nice calm saloon scene but things really get out of hand with alcohol and gambling. In the scene are 2 CXR figures (Dutch Burress and Vern Thompson). I customized a JW body by using RIT brown dye for less than 1 minute to create a "dirty" figure. A Custer head with RIT dye and black paint and we have Jorge. Kid COlt was my Favorite comic as a kid and I made him almost 2 years ago. Thanks to Stevo for some really cool sidearms and Wolf for the great chaps. The Johnny in the scene is my original from almost 30 years ago. Updated only with Wolf's chaps. The name of the Saloon was derived from the Tom Selleck movie Crossfire. In it he saved the Crazy Woman Ranch ( It was mentioned just one time in the movie) I thought it would be a great Saloon name. Everything is real wood and stain and alot of time. Enjoy. By Greg Church |
 Second Place

"Robin Hoode & His Merry Men"
Inspiration was the new Robin Hood show on the BBC and past Robin Hood series, movies, Green Arrow comic book hero, etc. Some Vintage/CXR heads, different color viking bodies and some apoxy sculpt for the hair.
By Mark Keach |
 Third Place

"Old Sam and Whiskey !!"
Yup Retirement is great Old Sam says to his mule Whiskey,but with a worried look...Last time Old Sam was in town he heard there was a new Sheriff coming to town, and the new sheriff was gonna "clean up the town and its surroundings. Sam was worried his cover would be finally found out by the new Sheriff. Sam was going under the alias Reg McCrae Retired trapper/miner. I used a Sam Cobra head and body. I added the beard and extra hair and painted the head. The rig and gun are by, Hat is by, Duster and Trousers by Jimmy Meservey, Mule "Whiskey" by Debra Prather, Saddle by Marx, Saddle blanket by Sunny Laura, Bosal by Koehler Customs By G.B. |

"Jeanie and Ringo"
Jeanie has added longer hair and a total face repaint. She is wearing buckskin riding pants, a felt hat, concho belt, and a buckskin purse made by me. Ringo is a slightly resculpted flame. Hard to make this horse any better! I added male plumbing, and turned one ear back to listen to Jeanie. He has been repainted to a deep blood bay with dapples.The saddle set is also made by me. By Amy Jones |

"Norse Gods"
These figures are inspired by the Norse Gods. After much research, I have accessorized them to the best of my knowledge. Odin is customized from a CXR "Snake" head, Thor is from the CXR "Mountain Man" head, Loki is from the CXR "Adam" head, and Baldur is a re-issued Erik. Odin is shown complete with his spear, Gungnir, while Thor carries his fabled hammer, Mjolnir. Note Odin's missing eye, which he gave up at Mimir's Well of Wisdom. By
Eric Otterness |

"The Quest"
These guys with their custom wagon seem really serious about protecting or possible destroying something. Here is a custom wagon with prototype brown wheels and seat with the wagon painted to match. The lord of the rings guys heads (not sure what figures they may come from) were customized to fit the Johnny West figures, with assessories from vintage pieces, Friends of Johnny, Marksman (CXR), and Stewarts Attic. Had lots of fun creating these figures and wagon which took me about six months to finally complete (I work slow). By Eddie Fontenot |