Here are the entries and winners from the 3rd Annual contest! We had some FANTASTIC entries and everyone is a winner in my book.
Voting was hot and heavy with many close runs! Here they are for you enjoyment!
All prize winners include a Trophy donated by Dave and Donna Roth.
Category: Best Figure at Show |
 First Place Prize: Sheriff/Jail facade by Wolf! |

"The Invisible Man Out On The Town!!!"
It all Started @ last years Convention. Scott Stewart's Great class on Molding & Viola a Clear Johnny Head. Pick up a Headless Sam Cobra Quick Draw & a Custom Is born. Add a Special Top Hat & Vintage Cape & a Vintage Cobra Sword Cane. All we Need Now Is some Hands to match. Stewarts Attic Gauntlets, a lot of Grinding to make some Hands. He Looks Great But What if we could See the Beauty of the Translucence.. AH HA! 3 L.E.D.'s With Self Contained Power Supply & Some serious Soldering & Dremel Drilling "We rewired Him"!! So 10 Mo's later, Here He Is Thanx & Enjoy!!!. By Dave and Donna Roth |
 Second Place Prize: Boxed Figure by CXR |

"Quigley Down Under"
Custom Mathew Quigley from movie starring Tom Selleck. Features vintage Custer body, custom 'gloves', pocket watch, chaps, spurs, and Sharps long rifle with scale 34" barrel. By Lee Bowling |
 Third Place Prize: Strong Box by Stewart's Attic |

"Could this be the end of the dynamic duo? Can Batman find Robin before it's too Late??? Trouble lies ahead! To the Batmobile! Be sure to return next week to find out." "TO BE CONTINUED..." By Tom Heaton |
 Fourth Place Prize: Trophy |

"HALO - Master Chief"
On the Covenant ringworld structure called "Halo", the Spartan Master Chief emerges from a bulkhead and is immediately embroiled in a fight for his very life! The parasitic 'Flood' swarms him in an effort to create yet another host! Master Chief is created with a reissue black knight body and gold armor, many layers of paint and detailed battle damage, The Flood are Styrofoam and articulated yarn. The diorama base is Styrofoam packing. By Scott Stewart |

Fifth Place Prize: Stewart's Attic / CXR Exclusive Gunbelt Set |

"James West"
James West, secret agent from the Wild Wild West television series. Custom figure combines vintage Sam Cobra body and Captain Maddox head. Features special mystery gadgets. By Grayson Bowling |

"Boaraxxe the Clean"
Boaraxxe the Clean, White Viking. Customized vintage head on white reissue Viking.
By James Wolfe |
Category: Best Figure Set at Show |
 First Place Prize: Custom Jane Accessory Set by Gordon! |

"The John Wayne Collection"
Over 2 Years in the Making. Inspired By My Dad's Love Of John Wayne! His Enjoyment Watching The Duke In Action was passed along To My Brother & Myself. Starting with Big Jake 2 Years ago, here's The set!
Sands of Iwo Jima, The Fighting Kentuckian , Quiet Man , Yellow Ribbon Trilogy, Blood Alley, The Horse Soldiers, Hellfighters, Green Berets, True Grit & Rooster Cogburn, & The Shootist. Just Making these, I relived those precious Moments with my Dad whom I miss so Much!
I Used Vintage, CXR, Hybrid, Custom & Marx Mint bodies & accessories. Thanks to Scott Stewart for the Graphics. Enjoy!! Please Look Closely!
By Dave and Donna Roth |
 Second Place Prize: Boxed Figure by CXR |

"Crazy Woman Saloon"
This is the fully completed 2 story interior of the Crazy Woman Saloon. Complete with a few upstairs rooms for whatever may happen and a complete bar and card games. Who knows maybe even a good ole saloon fight. N umerous Johnny West figures may come and go along with some famous Hollywood persons of interest. Can you name all of the characters?. By Greg Church |
 Third Place Prize: Strong Box by Stewart's Attic |

"Lone Ranger & Silver"
Custom Figures based on the classic western hero, using CXR cowboy body with custom sculpting and vintage Flame horse with custom Silver paint job. Silver's tack has also been customized from vintage black accessories and additional pieces.. By Grayson Bowling |
 Fourth Place Prize: Trophy |

"The Silent Tear"
Working the back fence line of the Circle X Ranch, Jason West (eldest West son) is attacked by savage Apache warriors! Finding his broken body, Chief Cherokee lifts him tenderly in his arms and sheds a silent tear. Made from broken parts. Glued, painted... re-glued, re-painted. Some sculpting. On a customized wooden base. By Scott Stewart |

Fifth Place Prize: Stewart's Attic / CXR Exclusive Gunbelt Set |

"Hidalgo & Frank Hopkins"
All based on the Disney Hidalgo western. Custom Hidalgo mustang with sculpted variations on a vintage Thunderbolt. Custom Frank Hopkins based on a vintage Mike Hazard body with custom sculpt of a CXR head, and addition of vintage Johnny boots. Also includes scratch made belts and custom hat. By Lee Bowling |

"Baal Uxchs and his Black Horse Dethth"
Black Mexican Viking body with CXR head, resin severed head (custom sculpted) and custom painted Viking horse. By James Wolfe |

"Mountain Man Scene"
Custom figure based on CXR townfolk body set in mountain forest setting.
By Tyler Bowling |
Category: Best Virtual Figure |
 First Place Prize: Boxed Figure by CXR |

"Frontier Secret Agent James West"
In a scheme worthy of Dr. Miguelito Loveless, Secret Service Agent James West of 'The Wild, Wild West' comes to life as a custom Marx figure! Combining a vintage Capt. Maddox head and Sam Cobra body with acrylic paints adding a splash of dandified West color and, 'Voila!', Mr. West is ready for Western Spy-Fi action! Outfitted with a vintage Sam hat, CXR Renegade gunbelt and accessories and a 'wild, wild' custom box- including an instruction sheet showing the hidden derringer in his boot heels! James West is the Marx TV figure that 'should have been' and never was! (Marx James West Box by Anthony Durso) By Wes McCue |
 Second Place Prize: Signed Encyclopedia of Marx Action Figures |

"The Savage Wasteland"
Based on the DC Comics character, The Green Arrow. I used a Sir Stuart Knight, a bit of Apoxie-sculpt, and Testor's model paint. I made the hat with a piece of felt and lots of spray starch. The bow, quiver and arrows are repro Viking accessories. By Terry Schimmelpfennig |
 Third Place Tie Prize: Strong Box by Stewart's Attic |

"Mini Me "Major Al" "
How do you say thank you to a lifelong friend. Who is there thru thick & thin. Although months or years can pass between visits, it is as if time stood still & nothing has changed between us. So here you have Mini Me "Major Al", a tribute to a good friend & all those fine Americans who, without reservation, will leave family & friends for mo.'s or years at a time to serve their country in far flung places like Iraq & Kosovo, etc. Starting with a vintage Gordon body & reissue Brandon head, some careful head repainting, some special arm & name patches on a newer Joe uniform & a special M-16 matching Al's several years ago. Al has served well over 20 yrs in many capacities. As his CO says "They may have al qaeda but we have Al Kabakoff" By Dave & Donna Roth |
 Third Place Tie Prize: Strong Box by Stewart's Attic |

"Charlie Yuma"
Inspiration taken from character Charlie Prince (3:10 to Yuma 2007). I conceived this project Sept.2007 right after seeing the movie. I have taken Sam Cobra Legs and built up the sides w/ Apoxie to depict the side button pants and used Boyd Spray enamel paint in Sunburst. The Custer torso used was also built up with Apoxie sculpt for the tails of the coat & making the bib higher. Model Maker enamel in Light ivory for color. The unpainted head is Marxman Bros...also sculpted and painted . Hat by Scott Stewart. Twin cross draw holster and Schoefields by Steve Corn. By Pamela Schimmelpfennig |

Fifth Place Prize: Stewart's Attic / CXR Exclusive Gunbelt Set |

"Mia-Mel Zahir"
This is Mia-Mel Zahir, a customized horse made by Debra Prather. He is wearing an elaborate Medieval sidesaddle set made by me. This is my interpretation of what Marx would have produced, had they crossed over into cloth accessories for the Noble Knights line. By Amy Jones |

Odin, ruler of the Norse Gods, rode a horse known as Sleipnir. Sleipnir is a vintage Thunderbolt painted white, wearing vintage Viking tack. Sleipnir is an 8-legged horse, so 4 legs have been added. Originally, I wanted to place the extra legs in position to give Sleipnir motion, but it didn't look right, so he is posed in a stationary position. By Eric Otterness |

"Dangerous Zeb" This figure was created with a vintage Zeb Zachary head and a Dangerous Dan body. He is wearing vintage black and bronze clothing . The spur straps and the gun belt are made of leather. The weapons are made of metal. The idea of the box came as a joke at first, but it came out so nice that, I now consider Worst of the West to be my own series of custom figures. Dangerous Zeb is the main villain of the series. By Bruno Raymond |

"The Bounty Hunter" The upper body and arms are from a Geronimo figure. The head and legs are courtesy of Custer. I used Apple Barrel paints and Minwax polycrylic from Walmart. It took several months from start to finish, mainly because I kept putting off finishing it. This was meant to be an idealized version of me if I had been made as character for the Johnny West world. By Clay Wilkerson |

"Blue Duck"
This is my version of the character from Comanche Moon. It is a vintage Fighting Eagle body, the head is Black Crow from CXR. The hair decoration is silver rivets, buffalo hair and artificial sinew. The coat is an altered union greatcoat from Battle Gear, to which I added scalp locks and beads. I made the leggings from an old wool scarf and made the breech cloth from deerskin painted to match the one in the movie. I also put deer hide thongs covered with rabbit fur on his wrists. The belt, knife and winchester are by Stevo. The bone pipe breastplate is by David Back. By Deb Herron |

"Apache" This is a rebuilt Thunderbolt. He had no tail and was almost split in half, plus badly melted by tack. He was first reglued together, then a new tail was sculpted for him. His melt marks were sanded down and his mane was sanded off at the poll to give him a bridle path. He was primed with Kiltz and sanded some more. I painted him after a real horse that I almost bought, his name was Apache. The color base is a bay paint that is roaned all over. He has 1 brown eye and the other blue. He was finished off with 2 coats of matte sealer. By Melissa Jones |
Category: Best Virtual Figure Set |
 First Place Prize: Boxed Figure by CXR |

"The Hearse & Mortimer Longbottom"
Mortimer Vincent Longbottom, Our Local Mortician. With a Flare for the Whimsical & yet a macabre sense of humor. He only wears His White Top Hat on those Solemn Days trying to add some Levity with The Huge White Feather He claims "Belonged to an Angel". As for his Slogan "Remember we're the last ones to let you down!" M.V.L. 1880 A Custom Made Topper for a Vintage Marx Wagon with simulated etched Glass work & Bird Figurines perched on High. Custom Painted Wheels And Some Feathers for Garnish on vintage Tack with a Vintage Black T-Bolt. Head by CXR, hat by Stewart's Attic. By Dave & Donna Roth |
 Second Place Prize: Strong Box by Stewart's Attic |

Inspired by what I wish MARX would have done. Scurvy Dog #1 was a Custer body and Maddox head, with tricorn by Scott Stewart and baldric, cutlass and hook by Steve Corn. Scurvy Dog #2 was a repro "Johnny Can't Dance" knight. His head was a Geronimo, which I Apoxie-sculpted the cap to. The sword is from a "Frontier Heroes" Custer, the dagger from a knight and the belt I made from an eyeglass case and an earring. The chest is from a bag of pirate toys I found at Walmart and the parrot is from One-Sixth Depot. By Terry Schimmelpfennig |
 Third Place Tie Prize: Stewart's Attic / CXR Exclusive Gunbelt Set |

"A Slight Detour Leads to a Cash Withdrawal"
The overland stage lines coach was seen on my favorite TV show, Bonanza. In real life it was run and owned by Ben Hollad known as the stage coach king from 1862 to 1886 in California. This is not a replica. It features working brakes, door, suspension, and curtains. It also has a secret compartment under the inside seats. Its' set of 3 piece matching luggage really pulls it all together. It is made of real wood, mainly 3/8" birch and pine. Metal used is copper and brass. Also real leather seats, harness, and rear cover. It is stained in red mahogany outside, light cherry inside, and finished. By John Krulisky |
 Third Place Tie Prize: Stewart's Attic / CXR Exclusive Gunbelt Set |

"Warriors of the Orient"
Black figure is a knight with a CXR head with custom hair. Rubber/vinyl armor is from Pirates of the Caribbean figure. The Gold figure is a knight with a CXR head with custom hair. Armor I believe is from the Dragon line. The Silver figure is a knight with a reissue Marx head with custom hair. Rubber/vinyl armor is from a Pirates of the Caribbean figure. By Mark Keach |

Fifth Place Prize: Stewart's Attic / CXR Exclusive Gunbelt Set |

"The Magnificent 7 : Gearing up"
Inspiration : The movie is one of my top 5 favorites. All 7 figures are JWA figures of which most where painstakingly repainted, (acrylic paints). Heads are from Circle X ranch, Hero Heads, and Diver4 (Ebay member). Hero and Diver Heads made with neck posts of discarded JWA heads. Rigs from Stevos Toys and Back N Time. Rifles: original JW some Circle X (customized). An original 1965 Johhny West was used for the Harry Luck character and Zeb Zachary for Chico. Time involved: Approximately 1 month to prep paint and finish figures. By Joseph Ciraolo |

"The Original Homeland Security"
While traveling in Arizona last fall, I kept seeing this cool t shirt with a pretty raggedy looking but determined group of Native Americans lined up for a confrontation. This is my interpretation of the shirt. . Bodies are vintage. Heads are CXR. Headdress and hand weapons are from David Back. Guns are by Stevo. Shirts are GSTG. Other clothes are by me using real buffalo fur ,wool blankets and old red shop cloth. Scalps are from my dog! By Deb Herron |

"Pony Sale Day"
I have painted 3 Marx horses so far. In these photos you will see "Sumac" a bright red with white blanket pony. (The real Sumac was a weanling I owned). The black and white appy pony, painted by me, and of course Apache. The Black pony ridden by Jamie was customized by Debra Prather. The team of horses are also by Deb. The buckboard was customized by Amy Jones. All of the figures are vintage, except for Claude driving the team, he is a CXR figure. By
Melissa Jones |

"The Mountain Man"
This figure was created from a vintage Geronimo body and a head from CXR. All accessories are newly made except the necklace. The weapons and other accessories are made of metal. The campfire and the wolf are made of resin. The idea of the boxes came as a joke at first, but they came out so nice that, I now consider Worst of the West to be my own series of custom figures. By Bruno Raymond |

"Thor, Tanngnost & Tanngrisnir"
The Norse God, Thor, rode in a chariot pulled by 2 magical goats. These goats had the capacity to come back to life after being butchered and eaten, as long as the hide and bones were not damaged. The chariot is provided by Noah & Terri Coop. The hitch has been modified from a 1 horse hitch to fit the 2 goats. The goats themselves started as nannies but have had the udders and small, pointed horns removed. Massive ram-type horns have been added as well as masculine parts. Thor is a Coop-produced head on a vintage Erik body. He also carries his fabled hammer, Mjollnir. By Eric Otterness |

"Wedding Day"
This is my interpretation of what Marx should have produced for the Noble Knight's line. After all, they had a knight in shinning armor, but no Damsel in distress. No Princess or Ladies to rescue. So I feel that if they had produced Ladies to match the knights, they would need to also cross over to cloth clothing to attract girls into collecting their figures. I think it would have left Barbie in the box! By Amy Jones |