Johnny West
I'm always interested in finding out more about the distribution of the Marx figures. Here's a unique figure that was produced in Germany by the Viebroflex plastics company. (need more research on the company here)
I purchased this figure on ebay from a seller in the Neatherlands in March 2023. There are some pretty significant differences between the German production and all other countries.... Read on for more information. [Please note that these pictures are of my figure warts and all!] If you have more information on these figures or the Viebroflex company in Germany, please let me know. As you go through this page, click on the images to get a larger, full view version.
Here is the full box photo. As you can see it is a direct copy of the UK 'Wagon Train' Johnny West box. Based on this box design I'm estimating that this figure was produced in the 1968-1970 time frame. The subtitle: "Der bewegliche voll ausgerüstete COWBOY" translates to: The agile fully equipped COWBOY.
The text under the subtitle reads: "Volle Gelenk-Konstruktion! Man kann sein Knie, seine Arme, Handgelenke, Beine biegen und seinen Kopf drehen! Er kann sitzen, stehen und ein Pferd reiten!" Kompett ausgestattet mit selnen Waffen und Ausrüstung für Jagdzüge und Fährtensuche!, which means: Full joint construction! You can bend your knees, arms, wrists, legs and turn your head! He can sit, stand and ride a horse! Completely equipped with its own weapons and equipment for hunting trips and tracking!
On the bottom left of the box front you see the company's logo and the text Nr. 1722 which I think is their stock number for this figure. The Viebroflex, inc. (gb) company of Germany made plastic toys in the 60's. I have found very little information about this company on the 'net so I'm not sure if they are still in business or not.
On the bottom right of the box front you find: "Ca. 28 cm groß COWBOY (ges. geschützt)" which roughly translates to: Approximately 28 cm [12 inches] tall, COWBOY (overall protected)
The box ends are identical with a different drawing of Johnny's head and repeating the title and sub-title. No other markings or dates are on the box ends, so dating this figure is very difficult.
The left side of the box shows Johnny in various poses and the words"Waffen Büchse, Pistole, Gürtel und Halfter, Derringer, Messer. ein voller Satz Western Ausrüstung! which Google roughly translated to: Weapons Rifle, pistol, belt and holster, derringer, knife. a full set of western gear!
The right side of the box shows more Johnny poses and the words: "Geräte für Jagdzüge und Fährtensuche Hut, Wasserflasche Halstuch, Leder-Überziehhosen, Weste, Goldsäcke, Goldgräber-Kiste, Kessel, Kaffeekanne und Becher, Brenneisen, Sporen mit Riemen. Sowie die Waffen des Wilden Westens!
which Google roughly translated to: Devices for hunting trains[trail] and tracking Hat, water bottle, scarf, leather overpants [Chaps], waistcoat, bags of gold, gold digger's chest, cauldron, coffee pot and mug, branding iron, spurs with straps. As well as the weapons of the Wild West!
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OK... Lots of nuance details here...Johnny West is different than his US, Canadian, Mexican or British cousins. The shoulder loops are non-reinforced plastic like the early US production. The hands are open.
This first thing that jumps out about Johnny is that his eyes are a very bright BLUE! The plastic used for the head and hands is different than what the other countries used. It is a little more muted tan and a little harder. His hair can be either an orangish or brown color. Some Johnnys have been found with normal black eyes.
Like the Cherokee Hauptling I believe Johnny may have been molded in Germany. I believe these figures were released in Germany in 67-68. At that time the US had already created new molds for Johnny incorporating many design changes. It's possible that the original Johnny molds were sold to Viebroflex (or leased from the UK). The hands are just like the open US hands even down to the ejector pin mark in the center of the palm. Its just more pronounced on this figure because of the different material used. So... WHY THE DIFFERENT material? Good question. There may have been different EPA type chemicals excluded in Germany.
The body uses the same molds as the first US Johnny molds as it has the US mold ejector markings of the first Johnny mold but the date stamp pin was replaced leaving a blank circle.
Regardless of where the body parts were manufactured it is pretty plain that the parts were assembled in Germany. All the rivets (elbow, hip and knee) are completely different than any other countries rivets. They are brass colored with a slight depression in the head and are unpainted.
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The accessories are unique. The type and quantity is the same as the US Johnny but the plastic is completely different. They are all made from a plastic that is half way between the soft and hard US accessories. Very similar to some of the plastimarx semi-rigid accessories. These bend a little and can be worn but are not as soft as the normal accessories. This was probably cheaper to do than make seperate hard and soft pieces. Therefore I believe these were actually molded in Germany. My Johnny is slightly different. The soft vinyl set is actually very close to the US version in material eventhough the color is a match to the hard set. I'm not 100% convinced that my soft set is actually original to the figure...
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The instruction manual is completely in German and does not have any date indicators on it. It is made from a very thin paper with black ink. Some of the words are the american word as if they were the same in German and English such as 'Derringer'.
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