North of the Border

North of the Border

This section of the site is definately a Work in Progress.

I've decided to post this incomplete section to use as a place to capture notes and pictures about the Canadian Marx Johnny West series. As I learn more I'll put the raw text in the appropriate place and refine it as I go along. I thought it would be fun to see how the section will change over time.

If you have any information or pictures that I'm missing please let me know- this is a real community effort!

Thanks to our friend, Bruno, from up Canada way, I now have a great deal more information on the Canadian Marx licensed products.

Bruno has generously taken the time to send details of this great line of figures and to answer my many questions about the history of these fine figures.

Also, a special thanks to Jill for contributing some of the great pictures you'll see on this site.

General Info

About the Canadian boxes

The only 'series' the Canadians produced was the Best of The West Series that included all the figures except Jimmy West and Dangerous Dan. This series also contained a US imported Sheriff Garrett.

The Canadian Figures

The Canadian liscensee of Marx in Scarbourgh did not make the following figures. Although these we sold in Canada, the company imported the US versions for sale:

  • Knights and Vikings
  • Jeb Gibson
  • Bill Buck
  • Zeb Zachary
  • Daniel Boone
  • Buddy Charlie
  • Mike Hazard
  • April Dancer - The Girl from U.N.C.L.E.

The Canadian Horses

Coming soon.

Other Canadian Accessories

Coming Soon.