Stock No. unknown
Carreta del Oeste
Incluye Caballo y Arnes
[Cart of the West (Buckboard) - it includes horse and harness ]
Part of the Lo Mejor Del Oeste [The Best (Thing) of the West] series. This is the first and only real 'series' of figures Plastimarx produced. They did not produce a Fort Apache Fighters or Johnny West Adventures series.
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The Plastimarx version of the Best of the West series boxes are well made with vivid individual graphics. This buckboard box has a full color front label but the box is printed with brown graphics and lettering around the sides and back. Here you see the side, top and back of the buckboard box.
The Plastimarx version of the Best of the West series boxes are well made with vivid individual graphics. This buckboard box has a full color front label but the box is printed with brown graphics and lettering around the sides and back. Here you see the side, top and back of the buckboard box.
The back of the Plastimarx box shows items that you could cut out in order to create boxes and crates (provisions) to fit into the wagon.
Pictured on the box is a US palomino (blond) Thunderbolt from the Best of the West series. This would place the time frame of 1974 for this wagon set.
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Wagon and Horse
Plastimarx's version of the Buckboard came with a yellowed palomino color Thunderbolt with off-white mane and tail hair with off-white socks. It does not appear to have the hoof wheels. The wagon appears to be indistinguishable from the US version. It is possible that the color is slightly darker, but I don't have one to compare it with the US version.
Plastimarx's version of the Buckboard came with a yellowed palomino color Thunderbolt with off-white mane and tail hair with off-white socks. It does not appear to have the hoof wheels. The wagon appears to be indistinguishable from the US version. It is possible that the color is slightly darker, but I don't have one to compare it with the US version.
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Manual & Accessories
The instruction sheet show the accessories and act as the equipment manual for the harness and wagon. The harness was made in brown like the US version.
The instruction sheet show the accessories and act as the equipment manual for the harness and wagon. The harness was made in brown like the US version.
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