Stock No. 200?
Desde Las Mismas Praderas Salvajes Viene, Reproducydo con Gran Realismo, Este Imponente Animal
[Buffalo - From the Same Wild Prairies It comes, Reproduced with Great Realism, This Imposing Animal]
Part of the Lo Mejor Del Oeste [The Best (Thing) of the West] series. This is the first and only real 'series' of figures Plastimarx produced. They did not produce a Fort Apache Fighters or Johnny West Adventures series.
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The Plastimarx version of the Best of the West series boxes are well made with vivid individual graphics. Here you see the top and side of the Buffalo box.
The Plastimarx version of the Best of the West series boxes are well made with vivid individual graphics. Here you see the top and side of the Buffalo box.
This would place the time frame of 1974 for this animal.
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Plastimarx's version of the Buffalo is beautiful. Nice rich browns and striking white horns.
Plastimarx's version of the Buffalo is beautiful. Nice rich browns and striking white horns.
There is an individual in Mexico that is reproducing the Buffalo in unpainted Black and Silver versions. These reproductions are supposed to be from the original Plastimarx molds.
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