Sir Gordon - The Gold Knight

Stock No. Unknown

Sir Gordon
El Caballaro Dorado
[The Gold Knight]

Sir Gordon by Plastimarx used the Sheriff Garrett head sculpt with black hair and a peach colored Knight body.

The Gold Knight was originally issued in a great red bordered box.

I believe this figure was produced around 1971 as it appears in Mexican comic book ads from that year.

Lower on this page you'll see the 'modern' remakes of this figure.

The Plastimarx version of the knight boxes are well made with vivid individual graphics. Here you see the top and side of the Sir Gordon box.

The armor was the standard set made of a nice golden / green color.

The armor on the box is shown as a very dark copper.

The instruction sheet was printed on a golden yellow paper.

The pennant was red and the feather plume was also red.


Reproduced in 1996-1997, The gold knight was packaged in a large window box similar to the US remakes. The figure was changed to the standard US Sir Gordon but the armor is very similar to the original gold/greenish color.

The pennant was changed to blue and the feather plume was changed to green.