Horse Accessories
For the most part the Accessories for the Marx horses are fairly simple. So I'll attempt to cover them here on one page.
The accessory manual, or manual of instruction was either a typical manual printed and enclosed with the horse or was depicted on the back of the horse box.
Bay (Brown) and Sorrel (Red) horses usually got Black Tack, while Palomino (Cream) horses got Brown tack. The Colts and Mustang got no Tack.
Accessory Sets
Western Tack Set
The Western Tack Set included the following pieces:- Saddle
- Cinch Strap
- Saddle Blanket
- 2 Stirrup Straps
- 2 Stirrups
- Saddle Bag set (2 saddle bags and connector)
- Bridle Set (Bridle, Bit, 2 Reins)
- Rifle Scabbard
The Vintage Western Saddle Set came in Black,
Dark Brown, Reddish Brown, Caramel (Canadian) colors
- Thunderbolt
- Flame
- Buckskin
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Cavalry Tack Set
The Cavalry Tack Set included the following pieces, except for the saddle, all pieces are the same as those used in the Western Saddle set:- Cavalry Saddle
- Cinch Strap
- Saddle Blanket
- 2 Stirrup Straps
- 2 Stirrups
- Saddle Bag set (2 saddle bags and connector)
- Bridle Set (Bridle, Bit, 2 Reins)
- Rifle Scabbard
The Cavalry Western Saddle Set came in Black, Dark Brown,
Caramel (Canadian) colors
- Comanche
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Pancho Tack Set
The Pancho Tack Set included the following pieces. Note the Reins are actually shorter than the Western Tack Set reins:- Saddle with molded Blanket
- Cinch Strap
- 2 Stirrups - with molded straps
- Bridle Set (Bridle, Bit, 2 Reins)
The Pancho Tack Set came in Black, Dark Brown,
Caramel (Canadian) colors
- Pancho
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Viking Tack Set
The Viking Tack Set included the following pieces. Note: the Reins, Bridle, Bit, Cinch, Stirrup Straps are the same as the Western Tack Set pieces:- Viking Saddle
- Cinch Strap
- Viking Saddle Blanket
- 2 Stirrup Straps
- 2 Viking Stirrups
- Bridle Set (Bridle, Bit, 2 Reins)
The Viking Tack Set only came in Black
Horses with this set:- Wheeled Buckskin
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Knight Armor Tack Set
The Knight Armor Tack Set included the following pieces:- Chamfron - Face plate
- Chamfron Strap - Chin
- Cinch Strap
- Crinet - Neck Plate
- Crinet Strap - Neck
- Crinet T Strap - Chest
- Crupper - Back Plate
- Crupper Plates - Left & Right
- Peytrel - Chest Plate
- Reins - One Piece
- Saddle
- Saddle Plate - Left & Right
- Stirrup - 2 in Set
The Vintage Knight Armor Tack Sets came in Black, Silver, Pale Gold, Yellow Gold and Gold - Pictures coming soon
Horses with this set:- Wheeled Buckskin
- Wheeled Thunderbolt
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Draft Horse Harness Set
The Draft Horse Harness Set included the following pieces:- Draft Harness
- Draft Bridle
- Draft Bit
- Rein String
The Draft Horse Harness Set came in Dark Brown or Brown (Sienna) colors
Horses with this set:- Wheeled Thunderbolt
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