Marx Trade Catalog: 1967 Marx - UK - Page 63

The image on the left is the actual catalog page, Click on it to get a larger view...

The text on the right is a transcription of the actual catalog ad wording. The number (in parentheses) in front of the Ad title is just the order the ad appears on the page, a (0) means the ad was not numbered on the page.

Some of the ads have an author's note. Those are my personal comments about the ad and may change as I learn more.

(2) 4544 MILITARY JEEP with Searchlight Trailer
An all new model Military Jeep measuring 10 1/2" x 21" of high impact plastic of Khaki colour. The jeep includes opening bonnet and wind-screen, and interior detailing. The 7" x 9" Box Trailer is equipped with a polished reflector ribbed lens searchlight powered by two U2 batteries. This rugged toy is just right for day or night junior military operations.