Marx Trade Catalog: 1973 Marx - Page 03
The image on the left is the actual catalog page,
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The text on the right is a transcription of the actual catalog ad wording. The number (in parentheses) in front of the Ad title is just the order the ad appears on the page, a (0) means the ad was not numbered on the page.
Some of the ads have an author's note. Those are my personal comments about the ad and may change as I learn more.
(0) The Sale
The acquisition of Marx by The Quaker Oats Company in late 1972 will enhance Marx's position in the complex toy industry. The combining of Quaker's expertise in up-to-date marketing practices with Marx's ability to develop and produce consumer demand items will mean greater volume and profits for our old and new customers alike.Use of the word "New" on the following pages is not lightly taken…we're quite specific in our commitments to our trade and have already implemented these plans.We are continuing our operating formula established 53 years ago: a balanced line with depth in staples and value recived at retail. Our uncompromising standards in the production of quality toys now reflects itself in our advertising. The Consumer knows that: "IF WE MAKE IT, IT CAN TAKE IT."
The acquisition of Marx by The Quaker Oats Company in late 1972 will enhance Marx's position in the complex toy industry. The combining of Quaker's expertise in up-to-date marketing practices with Marx's ability to develop and produce consumer demand items will mean greater volume and profits for our old and new customers alike.Use of the word "New" on the following pages is not lightly taken…we're quite specific in our commitments to our trade and have already implemented these plans.We are continuing our operating formula established 53 years ago: a balanced line with depth in staples and value recived at retail. Our uncompromising standards in the production of quality toys now reflects itself in our advertising. The Consumer knows that: "IF WE MAKE IT, IT CAN TAKE IT."
Author's Comments: The beginning of the end for Johnny….