Best of the West (Large) Store Display

Best of the West (Large) Store Display

Manufactured in 1974 as part of the Quaker Oats Best of the West series this display shows 8 figures and 4 horses.

It measures approximately 48 inches wide, 32 inches tall and 17 inches deep and weighs about 45 lbs. It is constructed of wood and printed cardboard. This actual damaged (see below) display sold at a live auction in La Grange, IN on 18 Apr 09 for $935.00. Factor in the auction house buyers premium, this display was worth over $1000 to someone. The lowest price I heard one in complete condition being purchased for was close to $600. These represent the extremes in value. My estimate for a large display in complete, very good to excellent condition is $1000-$1200

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The Display...

These images are of a damaged
display in Indiana. You should
take note that some owner of
this display actually cut
about 12 inches off the top
of the backer board. Perhaps
to put it on a shorter shelf?

Figures were screwed onto the
board or horse and heavy staples
were used to secure the accessories

The Chief and Fighting Eagle figures
were actually in the wrong spaces on the
board when this picture was taken.

Here is another example of
this display with the figures in
the correct spots. And showing
the correct height of the backer board.

Another shot of an uncut display
showing the backer board without the
BOTW title board

Looking at the 'cut' one again,
here it is without the figures

The title board is held onto the backer
board by a slot and tab arrangement

Here's the back of the cut one

This is the back of an uncut backer board.