Flashy Flicker Johnny West
Flashy Flicker Johnny West
The Flashy Flickers Magic Picture Gun was produced by Marx in 1965. They were primarily sold in retail stores such as Sears Robuck, Montgomery Ward and JC Penny.
The plastic 'Gun' shaped toy is a battery powered picture projector, which once a roll of film is loaded at the top of the projector gun, a picture is projected via an internal light. As you browse through the pictures, the roll of pictures then spools at the bottom of the projector gun. The focus of the projected image can be adjusted via the black end of the projector gun by twisting it left or right. Another Johnny West Friend of ours, 'Ed Tucker', bought a Flashy Flicker set in the 1980's in Ocala, FL. He has graciously digitized the supplemental Johnny West film strip to share with us here. It's interesting to note as your go through the story that his language is very 'cowboyish' and that his dog is named Flash (instead of Flick). This set is dated at 1965, so Marx was just getting Johnny West started. But it is curious to see that Johnny has the same color of clothes as the Italian comics Tex Willer character form the comic series Tex. Tex Willer does not have a dog but the simularity of this Flicker series to Tex Willer is 'odd'. Please enjoy the comic and realize it was the 'Early' Johnny West days....

Johnny West Lawman

Jigger Johnson
Johnny: It all started in Dodge City! I'd brought a sidwindin' rustler tun the federal lockup thar an' was just hangin' around for a few days when...
Sheriff: Jigger Johnson's busted out O' jail... Killed two guards! We're gettin' up a posse, boys... Let's go!

Jigger Johnson 2
Johnny: Jigger Johnson! Everybody'd heard of him... A coyote with an itchy trigger finger...
Sheriff: Remember Men... Dead or Alive!
Johnny: Jigger's too smart tuh git run down by a posse! I better get tun work muh own way

Next Morning
Narrator: Next Mornin'...
Johnny: Most likely he's heading north tun Colorado... Tuh jine up with the rest of his gang! Last I heard they were still operatin' out o' the Badlands thar!

Johnny: Usually folks in the west were mighty friendly when me an' Flash showed up, but...
Woman: Look! It's him!
Johnny: Whut's everyone runnin' fer? Yuh'd think I was a rattler!

Grab 'em
Johnny: I was dismountin' in front o' the hotel when...
Man 1: Git him!
Johnny: What the...!

Johnny: When a man gits hit from behind, he don't stop tuh ask questions! Automatically, muh fists were connectin...
Johnny: Yuh loco? Im Johnny West
Sheriff: Swarm in, boys!

Johnny: Finally, by sheer numbers, they overpowered me! I couldn't believe what was happenin'
Johnny: Yuh all crazy? Whut's the meanin o' this sheriff?
Sheriff: Playing innocent, eh you're lucky I run a law-abidin town! It's gonna save yore life...for now!

Johnny: What are yuh talkin' about?
Sheriff: Yuh'll git a fair trial... but bank robbery's a hangin offense! Which means yuh'll be taken care of for good!

Jigger or Johnny?
Johnny: In the next few hours I got the whole story! They said I'd been in town only a week before...
Jigger: Howdy Pards!
Sheriff: Simmerin sagebruch... It's Johnny West!

The Bank
Johnny: Jigger was a poerful smart hombre, because dressed like me, he could travel by day... anywhar he pleased! That's why he'd stolen my trail outfit and duds, an' a dog that looked like Flash...
Sheriff: We usually have guards when the bank weighs the week's gold, Johnny.. But as long as you're here..!
Jigger: Thar's nothing tuh worry about ... right?

The Holdup
Johnny: The impostor had been in town two days, gainin everybody's confidence, waitin' for just this moment...
Jigger: I'll take that gold, pards!
Sheriff: Huh?

Now What!?
Johnny: They'd taken muh guns away, an' the jail was solidly built! it looked hopeless as the hours ticked away...
Johnny: I..I don't stand a chance at that trial tomorrow ! I jest got tuh bust out o'here... But [h]ow?

Johnny: Midnight came an' went! Unknown tuh me, Flash had long since come to! I reckon the[y] just didn't know him...And the way he'd chaw through solid iron tuh git free

Good Boy!
Johnny: It was plain uncanny how Flash went tuh work! usin' his teeth, he worked the bridle free... I started tuh hope! With Flash free I warn't through yet...
Johnny: Only you can save me, boy! Yuh got tuh bring me muh horse! But don't let nobody see yuh, or I'm a goner!

Johnny: ... An' led the horse quietly tuh muh cell...
Johnny: Easy now! I got tuh reach the saddle

A Pistol!
Johnny: I always kept a spare pistol hidden in a secret flap of muh saddle bags, an' it looked now like it might save muh life...
Johnny: There! That does it!

Jail Break!
Johnny: When he was real close...
Johnny: Reach! I'll jest take these keys
Jailer: Shore Johnny... G-Go ahead!

Johnny: It was very late, an' I thought I was in the clear! But at the last minute, a couple o' drunks staggered out o' the saloon an'...
Drunk: Look! Ain't that Johnny West?... Help! Git the sheriff!
Johnny: Blazes! I got tuh make tracks!

Johnny: They had a posse formed pronto, an' for the fust time in muh life, I learned what it was like tuh be high-tailin' it away from the law...
Johnny: Blast that moonlight... Yuh can see for miles

Safe, for now!
Johnny: It was touch an' go for a while, but in all those gorges an' ravines I got muh chance tuh give 'em the slip!
Johnny: Thar they go! It'll be hours till daylight .. an' I'll be far away... Heading for Colorado!
Posse: C'mon, men .. He must've gone this way!

The Pursuit!
Johnny: I spent my time freezin' in mountain lookouts... Trackin down every trail of smoke with no luck..
Johnny: Just a trapper's campfire! But my hunch's got tuh be right! With vigilantes an' posses everywhar it figgers that Jigger would hide out till his stolen loot's less hot! Iv'e just got tuh keep lookin!

Jigger's Hideout?
Johnny: Up, up into the mountain fastnesses I went. Using the smoke as a guide! The last quarter mile I covered on foot, an' then I crawled! I couldn't afford tuh be spotted...
Johnny: Funny place for a cabin... Unless it's a hideout! How do I find out who's inside?

Johnny: I didn't have much time for figgerin', because next moment...
Johnny: Blazes! They've seen me!

Johnny: It shore looked like muh luck had run out! The mountains were echoin' tuh sound of sharp gunfire when suddenly...
Johnny: Jumpin' Jiminy! It looks like a ....

Johnny: It was ... a Snowslide! The gunfire had loosened the deep snows just enough to start an avalanche, an' next moment
Jigger: YAA-AAGH!
Johnny: Simmerin' Sassafras!

It's On!
Johnny: The slide was just big enough tuh sweep the cabin down tuh whar I was standin'! The timbers broke up, spillin' the outlaws out like tenpins! But they still had fight in em...
Outlaw: BAM! What the...!
Johnny: I got a special treatment for you, Jigger!

Knock Out!
Johnny: I put every inch o' muscle behind that sock... I was plenty mad!
Johnny: POW! You got more comin' Jigger.. but at the hands of the law! Okay, Boys... Lets start collectin' the stolen loot!

The End!
Johnny: I was a mighty happy hombre when I turned the outlaws over tuh muh old friend, the sheriff! He was plenty red-faces...
Sheriff: Yuh just got tuh forgive us, horseman... Jigger had us all fooled.
Johnny: No harm done, sheriff... But yuh came mighty close!